I tell ya, the day I get organized is the day I'm gonna take over the world, cause if I can manage everything I do in the chaotic state that is my life, I'd be pretty darn dangerous if it was all organized! But we all know that will probably NEVER happen!
Anyways...here are a few pages that I did last week before my head attempted to explode, and in the midst of trying to get everything back on track it slipped my mind to post these up here.

This first one was with a darling kit called Makenzye's Garden by Pixel Perfect Designs. I did a Guest CT for her for this kit, and I absolutley LOVED LOVED LOVED working with it! So many adorable elements, and the paper was beautiful! You can go grab this kit over at Digital Scrap Ink or just click
This one was with
Just Pinks by Fishbowl Designs. If you follow my blog you will know that I did a previous page with
Just Greens last week...notice a theme going on here? Well your right...she is doing a series of kits focused on all different colors. Well, I love pink, so when this one came up I decided to do a LO about me, not something I usually do, but heck why not! So the CT for Fishbowl Designs has decided that when everyone's favorite color comes up they are going to do a page about themselves. I can't wait to see what Anne (the designer for Fishbowl Designs) does when the Just Purples comes out! So thats it for now...I have alot more pages to do since I didn't get much done last week and I'm falling a little behind.
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